Pricing and Polices

All participants, including speakers, are expected to register and pay the appropriate registration fee. Indeed, presentation of a paper is felt to be the only form of participation along with chairing sessions, attending sessions and participating in business meetings or other collegial activities.


The registration fees are as follows

      Registration with accommodation for two nights: $350

Registration for local participants:


           Registrarion ) without accommodation(                    2500 EGP

           Registration with accommodation for one night      3500 EGP           

           Registration with accommodation for two nights     4500 EGP


Registration fees for participants  cover:

  1. Conference briefcase and registration kit
  2. Opening and closing ceremonies
  3. Accommodation for 3 days, 2 nights at conference hotel half board per person in a double room
  4. Conference proceedings and publications
  5. Attendance to all the conference sessions, keynote talks and workshops


Cancellation Policy:


Coming soon


Please note: there is no health or accident insurance for participation in the meeting, nor it is included in the registration fees. Participants are advised to arrange for their insurance coverage, including eventual cancellation costs for accommodation and travel services.



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