call for papers
24th International Water Technology Conference
IWTC 2025
Port Said , Egypt
15-17 May 2025
Conference Chairman:
Magdy Abou Rayan President of IWTA
Conference Vice Chairmen:
Andrea Scozzari National Research Council (CNR-ISTI), Italy
Mohamed Abdelazim Mansoura University (MU), Egypt
Rawya Rizk Port Said University (PSU), Egypt
Tareq Ghalwash Mansoura University (MU), Egypt
Conference Secretary General
Kamal El-Nahhas Suez Canal Authority, Egypt
This edition of International Water Technology Conference is the twenty fourth of event series initiated by The International Water Technology Association (IWTA) twenty three years ago. The conference offers an opportunity to present and discuss the most recent technological innovations and scientific developments associated with the water resources management, water treatment technology, environmental and ecological systems, agricultural-water related issues and water infrastructure. The conference brings together researchers, scientists, water professionals, end-users, managers, decision makers and stakeholders from universities, research institutes, governmental agencies, industries and other interest groups. The conference participants will discuss and develop a general framework for minimizing and preventing the deterioration in water quality, remediation, restoration, innovative treatment technologies, energy consumption, and optimizing water resources planning and management facing scarcity. On the sidelines of the conferences, international exhibitions have been hold that offer the perfect occasion for discussing the new trends in the field of water industry. The exhibitors are contractors, manufacturers and all specialized companies in water industry field.
Conference Topics:
Water Resources Planning and Management:
- Integrated water resources management
- Water resources for sustainable development
- Remote sensing and GIS applications
- Impacts of global and regional climate change
- Water quality and protection
- Trans-boundary water conflict and cooperation issues
Water Treatment Technology
- Waste water treatment technologies
- Computer applications in water treatment
- Purification plants and networks
- Hydraulic machinery
- Environmental impact assessment
- Surface and subsurface wetlands
- Water supply and sanitation technologies
Desalination Technologies
- Membrane based technology
- Desalination by renewable energy
- Desalination hybrid systems
- New trends in water desalination
Groundwater Management
- Artificial recharge and active management of aquifers
- Groundwater flow and contamination
- Integrated coastal aquifer management
- Computational groundwater
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures
- Water distribution systems analysis
- Sediment transport and modeling techniques
- Maintenance and rehabilitation of hydraulic structures
- IT applications in water infrastructure
- Coastal and harbor engineering
Agricultural Water Issues
- Sustainable agriculture and mega projects
- Agricultural water pollution and reuss technologies
- Low water consumption crops
- New trends in virtual water use and transbounday cooperation
- Water and food scarcity and agriculture developments
- Water Resources development and modeling process
- Hybrid hydro models
- Pros and cons of hydro modeling process
- ICT applications to smart water systems
Nanotechnology applications
- Water Treatment applications
- Desalination Technologies
- Groundwater Flow applications
- Agricultural Water Issues
AI and Water Technology
- AI and Water Treatment Technology
- AI and Water Management
- AI and Modern Irrigation Technology
Call For Papers:
Papers are invited for conference presentation on the topics outlined above. Prospective presenters are requested to submit a summary of their papers to be considered for inclusion in the conference proceedings. . Submitted papers will be reviewed by IWTA’s international scientific advisory committee for technical content and relevance to conference theme. Authors of accepted papers are required to register and present their papers at the conference.
Authors of papers accepted for conference presentation will be encouraged to submit full papers for:
- The peer reviewed International Water Technology Journal (IWTJ) which is published by the International Water Technology Association (IWTC) .
Paper Submission:
English is the official conference language.
Paper Length and Format:
Maximum length is 12 pages including figures, tables and reference citations
The summary paper should include: title of the paper, author(s name(s) and affiliation(s), email address for the corresponding author, 3-5 keywords, and body of the paper
Submission of revised paper extended to 01 March 2025
Notification of acceptance 01 April 2025